Old Colony, REALTORS(R)
- Real Estate-Land-Property Management
You need a company that can quickly adjust to changing marketing conditions and provide you with tools necessary to make informed decisions during your real estate transaction. Experience matters in real estate, and Old Colony Sales Associates are the most experienced in the market.
- WV's largest full-service real estate company
- Member of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World, the nation's largest referral network
- Knowledge about today's market conditions
- Experienced and educated Sales Associates
Whom to Contact
- Tommy DunbarExecutive Vice PresidentPhone: (304) 720-1108
- Beth GivenREALTORPhone: (304) 344-2581Cell Phone: (304) 539-2171
- Jackie ZakaibREALTOR1205 Virginia St ECharleston, WV 25301Cell Phone: (304) 545-0488
Offices in Charleston on Kanawha Blvd. and in Hurricane on Teays Valley Rd.