CURA - Charleston Urban Renewal Authority

  • Real Estate-Land-Property Management
  • Government
  • NonProfit Community Organizations / Foundations
  • Research, Exploration & Development
815 Quarrier Street, Ste. 244
Charleston, WV 25301-2652
(304) 348-6890
(304) 348-6892 (fax)
Monday through Friday: 8am - 5pm

About Us

Since it's inception in 1952, The Charleston Urban Renewal Authority (CURA) has strived to aid in redevelopment and contribute to the vitality of the City of Charleston. Working with residents, businesses, and city leaders, CURA provides financial and administrative assistance to support redevelopment activities throughout the city. These include land assembly, parks, recruitment and sale of land for development of private business sites, streetscape improvements, retail space leasing, improvement grants and neighborhood revitalization. CURA's mission includes new investment stimulation within its renewal areas - significant new development that is compatible with the character and goals of the surrounding renewal area. Projects which meet this test are welcome and will be assisted by CURA.

Community Renewal Plans are approved by the Board of Commissioners and City Council and are area specific with a specified term (lifespan of plan). Currently, there are three active renewal plans - Shrewsbury/Smith Streets; East End and West Side.

Governed by seven commissioners appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council, CURA holds regular meetings at 9 am on the second Wednesday of each month and special meetings at the call of the chairman. Major past projects of CURA are the Charleston Town Center and Marriott Hotel land assembly; Capitol Market; building demolition and Clay Center funding.

  • About

    Since it's inception in 1952, The Charleston Urban Renewal Authority (CURA) has strived to aid in redevelopment and contribute to the vitality of the City of Charleston. Working with residents, businesses, and city leaders, CURA provides financial and administrative assistance to support redevelopment activities throughout the city. These include land assembly, parks, recruitment and sale of land for development of private business sites, streetscape improvements, retail space leasing, improvement grants and neighborhood revitalization. CURA's mission includes new investment stimulation within its renewal areas - significant new development that is compatible with the character and goals of the surrounding renewal area. Projects which meet this test are welcome and will be assisted by CURA.

    Community Renewal Plans are approved by the Board of Commissioners and City Council and are area specific with a specified term (lifespan of plan). Currently, there are three active renewal plans - Shrewsbury/Smith Streets; East End and West Side.

    Governed by seven commissioners appointed by the Mayor and confirmed by City Council, CURA holds regular meetings at 9 am on the second Wednesday of each month and special meetings at the call of the chairman. Major past projects of CURA are the Charleston Town Center and Marriott Hotel land assembly; Capitol Market; building demolition and Clay Center funding.

  • Media

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  • Whom to Contact

    • Mike Grose
      Office Manager
      Phone: (304) 348-6890
  • Directions

    Downtown Charleston, on Quarrier Street, between Hale and Captiol St